
Compassionate Heart Community

A Member of The UAIC

 Check out our next meeting and full schedule HERE!

  • We are an Interspiritual Community rooted in Christianity and open to all the great religious and spiritual traditions and teachings. You might call us “Christian and ____________.”
  • We believe that God is larger than any religious tradition – and all of them combined!
  • We are judgment free. Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you are welcome here – AND, most importantly, we aren’t going to try to change you!
  • We value and build community.Dalai Lama
  • When we gather on Zoom on Sundays at 10am we enjoy a service loosely based on a typical Christian service but that includes some prayers and readings from other traditions as well!
  • We actively seek service projects in the community.

Interspirituality – Mirabai Starr

To walk an interspiritual path is to travel through the wilderness with open hands and a courageous spirit. It is to navigate with the heart and a book of prayers from every faith tradition that ever uttered a sacred phrase in any language. To travel an interspiritual path is to drop to our knees in the presence of Love wherever we encounter it, and to disarm our hearts the minute we have the impulse to otherize a faith we do not understand. To take an interspiritual journey is to circle ever inward, to a place of holy silence and vibrant stillness, and then to surge back outward with the contemplative fruits we have gathered to feed a hungry world. An interspiritual life invites us to take our rightful place at the table of the Divine in many Holy Houses, and asks that we kneel at the altars of multiple traditions and drink from the goblet we are offered, and allow it to transform us. Interspirituality is about saying YES to the sacred in every form and no form, about moving beyond intellectual orientation to active engagement with various religions, about seeking and finding the Love that unifies all paths and affirms our essential interconnectedness.

There is much more, and we invite you to explore our website to learn more, to check out our meetup group, and contact us if you have any questions!